OPAL - Outdoor Play and Learning
Amazing play, every day, for every child
OPAL is an award-winning, mentor supported school improvement programme that addresses all the areas that schools must plan for if they want to strategically and sustainably improve the quality of their play opportunities.
At New Marston, we prioritise children’s play through OPAL. Our sustainable resources enrich our pupils lives at lunch time and keeps the children active and learning through play at all times of the day. We know our pupils value their play and lunchtimes and so we value their voice when providing them with what they need.
So far, we have opened:
Scooter tracks
Den building
Small world boxes
Water walls
Outdoor offices
Art spaces
Chill out areas
Football zones
The Stage with Music
Role Play Crutches and Zimmer frames
Traffic cones
Chalk boards
Climbing walls
All-weather wellies on the field
Space hoppers
Loose parts
Read our ‘Play Policy’ here.