Headteacher’s Welcome

I would like to warmly welcome you to the website of New Marston Primary School in Oxford. We have recently been rated “Good” by Ofsted and here are some of the comments from their report:

“Children get off to a strong start to their education in early years. The curriculum for early reading and mathematics is very effective. Children learn well during their time in the Nursery and Reception classes.”

“Pupils are happy, cheerful and thoughtful towards others. They told inspectors that bullying does not happen at this school.”

“Children say they feel safe.”

“Pupils behave well in class. They move around the school politely and with respect. They share and debate their ideas in lessons in a mature and considerate manner.”

“Pupils learn why it is important to show respect for others. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.”

“The values of growth, kindness, grit, belonging and integrity lie at the heart of the school’s work.

We are proud of the attainment of pupils at New Marston. In 2024, New Marston performed above national averages in reading, writing, and maths. This was the case in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Please see our attainment section for more information.

All visitors to the school comment on the excellent relationships that exist between all members of the school community, the warmth, kindness and behaviour of our pupils and also their very positive attitudes to their learning. Pupils talk of their pride in their work, how much they enjoy maths and how proud they are to be accomplished readers and writers.

We are based in the Marston area of Oxford and benefit from a unique mix of pupils, whose families come from local areas and from all parts of the world. Adults and children really look after and care for each other here. Academically, our pupils benefit from the high expectations that staff have of them. We expect all of our pupils to thrive academically and personally over the years ahead and have high aspirations for them in these areas. We have a firm focus on the teaching of academic vocabulary in order that our pupils can access more challenging learning in all subjects.

If you are a potential new parent reading this, then I would like to warmly invite you into the school to meet with myself and our staff and pupils and see and feel for yourself what a lovely school we are. We are proud that we are part of the River Learning Trust. Further support comes from our talented Governing Body, who are similarly relentless in their approach to school improvement.

New Marston is committed to providing an exciting and safe environment where everyone feels valued, loves learning and develops the skills to learn for life.

Thank you for taking the time to visit us online and if you would like to visit us anytime please call 01865 761560 to arrange a time and ask to speak to me.


Our Values

Our ethos is encapsulated in our vision and values. We insist on the perfect environment for happiness and hard work and our school is a calm, happy culture, based on mutual kindness, respect and exciting learning opportunities.


Joining Our School

Interested in joining the school? Find out more information for both parents and children.



Find out more about our fantastic and diverse curriculum.

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  • Privacy & Cookies. To view our Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy please click here. Whilst we do not use cookies on this school website, third party cookies may be used by some analytical and statistical plugins installed on the website to enhance their service. Also, some videos embedded in our pages may use a cookie to anonymously gather statistics on how you got there and what videos you visited. Full details of cookie usage can be found in our website Cookies Policy 

  • New Families. NEW AND PROSPECTIVE FAMILIES ALWAYS WELCOME TO VISIT, or call 01865 761560 for an appointment. We’d love to see you!

RLT and New Marston Primary School welcome trainee teachers and work in close partnership with Oxford Teaching School Alliance to provide placements for School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT). Click the image above for more information.